What's going on with erectyle dysfunction: new problems, new developments, new treatments
There is a common myth that erectile dysfunction is something which only affects older men; at least those in their late fifties and beyond. This is not the case but because the subject is such a sensitive one many men who find themselves thus afflicted are reluctant to talk about it with their doctors, or even with their partners. In actual fact, erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, even in very young men. Sometimes it is merely an occasional thing and can be occasioned by such things as excessive alcohol consumption or performance anxiety. Sometimes, however, the condition becomes chronic even in men as young as their early twenties and at this point there is good reason to seek medical health before the condition starts to affect the sufferer's personal relationships and their mental health and sense of self esteem - buy kamagra australia . Once upon a time, there was very little that a man who suffered from erectile dysfunction could do to alleviate their condition other...